Michael Horn on “Bright Spots Shine on Online Blended Learning”
Michael Horn from the Innosight Institute with a new article in Forbes: “Bright Spots Shine on Online Blended Learning.” He highlights KIPP Empower Academy (in L.A.), Carpe Diem, Los Altos (using Khan...
View ArticleEdWeek Runs Multiple Articles on Blended Learning
EdWeek recently introduced a series titled “Accelerating Innovation” that has produced a number of articles on blended learning and ed tech in general. Below are two that are directly focus on blended...
View ArticleEdSurge Launches Beta Site
Kudos to Betsy Corcoran, Nick Punt and the rest of the EdSurge team on launching their new beta site at EdSurge.com. If you’re trying to make sense of the ever-growing array of ed tech content &...
View ArticleCautious Optimism vs Irrational Exuberance in Digital Learning
My view about the potential for education technology to produce dramatic improvements across our K-12 system, particularly for low income students, is one of cautious optimism. I am optimistic enough...
View ArticleA Prediction (and a Word of Caution) about Scaling Blended Learning in...
My good friend, Alex Hernandez, at Charter School Growth Fund, speaks regularly about the potential for blended learning to improve upon a widely-accepted instructional practice in many elementary...
View ArticleITHAKA Releases Results from Randomized Blended Learning Study: Similar...
ITHAKA released a report this week titled Interactive Learning Online at Public Universities: Evidence from Randomized Trials. This study focused on the implementation of Carnegie Mellon’s Open...
View ArticleTerry Ryan (Fordham) Reflects on a Bay Area Blended Learning Tour
I recently spent two days in the Bay Area touring blended schools and meeting with providers along with a group of organizations focused on city-based innovation that CEE-Trust sponsored. Since Terry...
View ArticleSelf-Paced Learning Meets Existing Classroom Structures
Many people and organizations (Sir Ken Robinson, New Classrooms, 2Revolutions, etc.) have spoken eloquently about the fact that progressing students in age-based cohorts through courses and grades does...
View ArticleTechnology Infrastructure at Rocketship (Plus a Few Thoughts)
Charlie Bufalino recently guest blogged at EdWeek on technology integration at Rocketship. In his post, he explains the four key features that blended models tend to want when they try to make sense of...
View ArticleSal Khan on the History of Edu (in 11 Minutes)
Fresh off publishing his first book, “The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined“, Sal Khan released a new video on the history of education in 11:28. It’s a helpful primer for those that want a...
View ArticleBusiness Models in K-12 Education
Last night, I had the pleasure of being one of the judges for a pitch competition that is sponsored by a student-run group at Harvard called BRIDGE @ HGSE. As I listened to pitches from a group of...
View ArticleMy Advice to Education Entrepreneurs at Harvard
Yesterday I wrote a blog post titled Business Models in K-12 Education that was inspired by judging the Education Innovation Pitch Competition at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Today, I want...
View ArticleAlex Hernandez on ‘Which Way for K12 Blended Learning’
Check out Alex Hernandez’s (Charter School Growth Fund) piece titled “Which Way for K12 Blended Learning.” Key themes include: Playlists are powerful Ed tech partnerships make sense Don’t underestimate...
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